
Save The Date: Advancing Hemophilia Care Through Genomics Webinar

January 19, 2018

Topic: My Life, My Future: Advancing Hemophilia Care Through Genomics Guest Presenter: Barbara A. Konkle, MD Date: February 22, 2018, at 2-3 PM ET

Learning objectives:

  1. Describe the structure of MLOF.
  2. List two findings from initial F8 and F9 genetic analyses of MLOF samples.
  3. Describe the MLOF Research Repository.
This free webinar is open to public health professionals, clinicians, and researchers who desire more information about bleeding disorders. Advance registration is required and the number of attendees is limited. It is made possible through The Division of Blood Disorders of the CDC.
To preregister, visit:
For more information please contact Cynthia Sayers: