
FWGBD Supports Recent ACOG Statement Regarding Women’s Health

June 25, 2022

Yesterday, ACOG (American College of Obestricians and Gynecologists) released a statement on the decision from the United States Supreme Court in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

FWGBD stands by ACOG and supports their statement, empahsizing as well that “The principle of shared decision-making is founded on respect for peoples’ expertise in their own bodies and lives and clinicians’ expertise in science and medicine. There is no room within the sanctuary of the patient–physician relationship for individual lawmakers who wish to impose their personal religious or ideological views on others.

“While the Supreme Court’s decision today is a significant and destructive setback, ACOG’s resolve is unwavering: we will continue to support our members, our community partners, and all people in the ongoing struggle against laws and regulations that violate and interfere with the patient–physician relationship and block access to essential, evidence-based health care.”

FWGBD is commited to supporting its members and all of those who seek to provide essential, evidence-based, healthcare.

You may read the full statement HERE