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Case Conversation: Initial von Willebrand factor antigen values in adolescent females predict future values

This is a recorded version of the journal club program, Case Conversation: Initial von Willebrand factor antigen values in adolescent females predict future values, that was…

Webinar: Women’s Health Considerations in Thrombosis

This is a recorded version of the webinar, Women’s Health Considerations in Thrombosis, hosted by the Anticoagulation Forum. This was presented live on May 29,…

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding While on a Blood Thinner

This is a recorded version of the patient support group, hosted by the North American Thrombosis Forum (NATF), titled, Heavy Menstrual Bleeding While on a…

Case Conversation: Hormonal Therapies in Females with Blood Disorders

This is a recorded version of the journal club program, Case Conversation: Hormonal therapies in females with blood disorders: thrombophilia, thrombosis, hemoglobinopathies, and anemias, that was…

Case Conversation: Recombinant von Willebrand factor and tranexamic acid for heavy menstrual bleeding in patients with mild and moderate von Willebrand disease in the USA (VWDMin)

This is a recorded version of the journal club program, Case Conversation: Recombinant VWF and TXA for HMB in patients with mild and moderate VWD in…

Webinar: Caring for Women Dental Patients on Antithrombotic Medications

This is a recorded version of Caring for Women Dental Patients on Antithrombotic Medication. This program was presented by Dr. James Curtis, and was moderated…

Webinar: The Influence of Sex Hormones and Menses on Sickle Cell Pain in Women

This is a recorded version of The Influence of Sex Hormones and Menses on Sickle Cell Pain in Women. This program was presented by Dr. Zachary Ramsay,…